Friday, December 12, 2008

Orca Lipo 4000mAh 20C (Stick Pack) Review

My VXR 3600mAh has bloated up a little and the charge is less than 60% of the pack. I should be disposing the pack now but stubbornly using it. I am storing and charging it in the LiPoSack.

After some research and comparison, I purchased the Orca 4000mAh 20C stick pack configuration for my M03. It comes with Tamiya plugs, 12 AWG wires and some Orca stickers. It is a soft pack but I was hoping it would be a hard lexan - I was wrong! The lipo is not packed to the brim with some air gap between the cells inside and the soft casing. I really doubt this is a 4000 pack. :(

If I have time, I will cycle it and give it a full charge to see its actual capacity. Testing will be done this Sunday at the track and will compare with my current Yeah 3200mAh 20C pack.

Here are some pictures of the Orca pack

